Luen Fung Hang Life Limited

Employees' Compensation Insurance

In recognition of the importance of protecting our workforce against occupational accidents and occupational diseases, Decree-Law No94/99Mof March 29, Decree-Law No 40/95/M of August 14 and Executive Order No 41/2008 were enforced by the Macao SAR government to insist all employers must provide compulsory Employees' Compensation Insurance for their employees.

Many caring employers choose to adopt our Employees' Compensation Insurance plan which provides ample coverage while adhering to the mandatory requirement. Our well-thought out policy provides a mutually beneficial environment for both the employers and employees. Employees feel assured that they are protected from occupational hazards. Staff loyalty is thus increased while the employers can better fulfill their social responsibility.

Employees of all sectors of activity, including those who are contracted in Macao and render services overseas, are entitled to compensation for loss or injuries resulting from occupational accident or occupational disease due to employment , including :

  • Medical expenses

  • Temporary loss of work capacity

  • Accidental death arising out of employment

  • Permanent total disability and permanent partial disability

For more information on our Fire Insurance, please feel free to contact our agent banks or us directly

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